Hrithik Verma
Mechanical Engineer with Robotics minor

Robotics Projects
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ROS Unity Simulation Pipeline
ROS Unity Simulation more like a game setup for testing robot algorithm. It has feature like basic UI with feature turn on/off sensor, has 3 different robot models, simulation can be data, option to toggle between simulation mode & setting .
Basic UI + all sensor + entire back-end pipeline developed by me.
I have developed this for my current company Hi-TECH Robotics (NHRSL) and all rights of this video simulation is reserved with NHRSL.

AMR Warehouse ROS Simulation
AMR Warehouse Robot Simulation in Coppeliasim (V-REP) Simulator With ROS (Robotics Operating System) . Simulator plugins and algorithm are written by me to make it ros enable. It has User Interface to control robot.

Multi Robots Simulation
Multi Robots Simulation In Coppeliasim With Matlab.
Peter Corke Robotics Tools use for path planning &
PD controller used for controlling robots

Drone Control By Hand Movement
Drone control simulation using hand movements
using MATLAB for Image processing
Simulator- V-REP (Coppeliasim)

ROS Unity Integration Simulation
Unity (Games Engine) is Integrated ROS and able to test ros navigation with unity. I'm able to develop ros enable sensor like pointcloud2, lidar, gps, imu for unity.

Realistic Simulation World
Realistic Simulation World setup in Unity. It has feature like moving dynamics humans, water waves & weather change feature

Drawing Robot
Firstly input image is process in MATLAB than trajectory is plotted than those coordinates are send to simulator (V-REP / Coppeliasim)

Wheel Rim Painting Simulation
Wheel Rim Painting Simulation in Coppelasim / V-REP.
ABB IBR 140 Industrial Robot use in this project
Pick & Place Robot
Wired pick and place robot. It can climb 40deg holding object in its arms
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Praised By

Open Robotics (Maintainer of ROS / ROS2)
On a LinkedIn Post Open Robotics has praised my work on ROS Gazebo Plugin.
No certificate or experience letter can match the appreciation from the ROS Developer community.
Robotics Mentor
I have taught Robotics to 9000+ Students in Udemy (Online Learning Platform).

In this course, student will learn about urdf (unified robot description format) with help of examples and correct method to convert a fusion 360 CAD model to urdf using opensource fusion 360 plugins.

In this course student will learn about robotics through simulation. There are many exciting simulation like pick & place robot, writing robot, line following drone, painting robot arm simulation etc.

In this course students will learn about a Humanoid Robot Animation like walking, talking etc. This is more like a fun kind of course where no hard or complex robotics concept will be taught rather, we will use a software to create a humanoid robot animation.